Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Early in the morning (:

Well well ;
GOOD MORNING, humans !
I just woke up too early today (:
But woke up early also is a good thing
I can have more time to pangsai * in my own sweet toilet
start from last week until ystrdy i keep baking cakes * at school's toilet .
Dahlah sch toilet manyak gila harum ==
So so , this is not wht I want to talk abt

Suddenly I got the feeling macam very happy .
Yerhh, happy ? yala happy (:
Cuz i smile for 3 minutes in front of the comp
PPL SAY; to be happy lu mesti smile / laugh for at least 3 min
gagaga, quite work dohhh (:
But don't syok sendiri laugh la, itu not happy dy, itu hyper ==

Lalalala, thursday coming soon .I just hope everything will be fine (:
Yeahh, i know, it sure will be fine ;D
Just hope that i can plan everything with her by today .
It's a must !

Nowdays kids memang busy kan ?
Teenagers busy
Adults busy
Old people oso busy
Kids; play play with those lil' girls in their tadika
Teenagers; errr, me myself also don't know (: study la aboh ?
Adults; working , work work work
Old people; ngam ngam ngam == && go chacha
all the ppl around the world are just too busy //
&& I admit, saya jugak busy sini busy situ .
iaitu, busy bodyyyyyyy :D

Today have to go tuition again . AGAIN
Superrrrrr lazy dohhh
But i must go, cannot waste the money
I will only think bout my tuition fees then only i'll go to tuition.
That is how I forceeeee myself & love money

Kayy kayy, that's all for my entry today (:
혁재야 ;

Love by CML [;

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